To build up a new company or business, seed investment has got huge importance. It has given you a new way to raise your funds without any tension of loans. The importance of seed investment can be understood by the fact, that almost all startups uplift their business with the help of seed investment. Seed investment has uplifted the new companies with a potential that the companies never a=face any financial constraints.

Here we will discuss some easy resources to build up the new companies without any difficulty:

1.            Taking funds from friends and related persons: this is the most applicable source to get the seed investment, in this source you do not need to worry about anything like of quick returning of the money. You invest the funds of your friends and relative persons in your company; in the return, they will get a share from your benefit. This source is of great importance in the sense that you have to win the trust of the people related to you and give them a determined assurance that their investment would never be wasted.

2.            Your past business revenue: if in the past you have been in any business, then it is clear that you must have some revenue and network of the people working with you. You can get funded by your company from this source without any complexities. Your trusted partners would fund your new startup.

3.            Corporate funding: this is the funding by the mega-companies and comparators who invest their money in the new startups to promote their business. This funding is in huge amount and can be acquired only by a well-planned business strategy .world’s biggest companies like Facebook; google and apple invest in the new startup.

4.            Seed investment by the accelerators: the accelerators backup the small and new startups and provide small investments. They raise the business of the startups through their networking. They also provide mentoring, workplace and professional guidance that helps in taking up the new business.

5.            Incubator’s seed investment: they also provide seed investment in a sufficient amount. But the main benefit of their funding is that they don’t take the equity in the startup. They provide professional support and guidance programs.

6.            Angel investors: this funding is very important to uplift any business. They provide seed investment at the start of any startup. The main benefit of angel investment is that there are no chances of any risk as compared to the other financial supporting resources. The other thing that makes angel investors more profitable is the higher rate of return. Through the seed investment by the angel investors, you can get a lot of experience.

7.            Crowd funding: crowd funding is the investment by the group of investors in your startup. There are many websites and online platforms from where you can get crowd funding and that would be very helpful in building and uplifting the new startups that are dependent on such supporting sources.

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